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How to Turn Your Home into a Health Sanctuary

How to Turn Your Home into a Health Sanctuary

Have you wondered what it would be like to live in a home designed for health? A house that is beautiful, functional, and supportive of your health goals. A place where you can relax and recharge. Here are some easy ways to turn your home into a health sanctuary:

Start with the kitchen

home sanctuary kitchen


Food is a major player in keeping your body in tip-top shape. 

Try incorporating as many fresh and whole foods into your diet as possible: fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, beans and legumes, seeds, and nuts.

Avoid processed foods with added sugars and sodium. If you don't have time to cook dinner every night, look for quick-prep options like frozen vegetables or canned beans that are easy to heat up on the stovetop or in the microwave. 

To transform your home into a health sanctuary, be mindful of the food you store and prepare. Get rid of the junk and keep your pantry full of healthy and nutritious foods.

Invest in natural lighting 

Keep curtains open and let the natural light in! 

A bright room will make you happy and alert, while dark spaces can make you anxious or depressed. If there's not much natural light coming through your windows, buy LED lamps of good quality. 

Use a mirror to bounce off light, especially in dark corners.

Blue light is considered a perfect light color for creating a calming atmosphere. Greenlight also induces a feeling of relaxation. But red light so far is the best light color for sleep. 

Choose muted tones and warmer lights to help you relax better.

Bring in nature inside your home

Find ways to incorporate nature into your home by using plants or photos of nature scenes as décor or art pieces.

Studies have shown that exposure to plants can improve moods, reduce fatigue and increase productivity levels while enhancing our ability to focus on tasks. 

Natural plants produce oxygen, making the atmosphere healthier and the air cooler.

Using wood materials in your design can add warmth and charm to your home. But, more importantly, a study on  wooden material therapy shows a reduction in blood pressure and induces relaxation in the brain.

Water is another element of nature that can turn your home into a health sanctuary. 

Have a water fountain or small pond in your home. 

Even the sound of cascading water in the background can bring a feeling of calmness.

Get rid of the clutter



One of the biggest reasons people struggle with stress and anxiety is because they have too much stuff. 

Clutter creates chaos, and chaos creates stress. Papers, books, and miscellaneous items scattered around the living room can make you feel overwhelmed and stressed. 

It's time to eliminate all those unused items taking up space in your home. 

You can transform the extra space you've freed into an exercise or meditation area. Invest in  exercise machines and create your own home gym.

A free area is also a good place for your  home sauna

Infrared or  traditional home saunas come in different sizes. There are saunas for the home that is good for 2-3 persons and large enough for 4 persons. There are even those designed to be placed in a  home corner.

Be ruthless about decluttering so that you can enjoy your home more. Then, you can focus on what really matters: living a healthy lifestyle.

Keep it clean

It's essential to keep your house clean because bacteria spread quickly and cause sickness. Keep surfaces wiped down daily with disinfectant wipes, wash hands often with soap and water and use hand sanitizer after using restrooms or touching things that may be contaminated, such as door handles.

Wake up your senses

Sense of smell

Use aromatherapy to help stimulate your olfactory senses. 

There are hundreds of  essential oils with different uses and health benefits. For example, some oils can boost your immune system, help you relax and unwind, improve sleep quality, and alleviate pain. 

You can inhale them directly, use a diffuser or humidifier, use mists infused with essential oils, or buy scented candles.

You can also use essential oils in the  steam shower by spraying them or adding a few drops before you step in.

Have your favorite essential oils ready, especially when you get a mobile massage at home.

essential oils for massage therapy


Sense of sight

Soft neutral tones, colors of nature, earth tones, and pastels are excellent for invoking relaxation. Hues of blue and green are colors of nature that are comforting and harmonious. Display items that bring you joy, such as photos from your favorite places, lovely artwork, and memorabilia from your last trip.  

Sense of touch

Choose bedding, sheets, pillows, and soft and comforting blankets. 

Get a  massage chair that feels like an actual therapist's hands. Touch therapy is undeniably helpful in reducing stress and soothing body aches. In addition, it can improve your mood and thus create a healthful sanctuary in your home.

Sense of taste

Have your comfort food ready, especially during long tiring days.

Sense of sound

If you’re not living near nature, you can listen to the sound of rain, ocean, or rainforest to improve your mood. 

Did you know? There are  massage chairs with Bluetooth speakers so you can play relaxing music while getting a soothing massage.

Get access to heat therapy

There are numerous studies conducted on the effect of heat on health. From reducing pain, lowering blood pressure, improving blood circulation, and boosting mood, it's no surprise that more and more people are investing in home saunas.

If you don’t have enough space for an indoor or outdoor sauna, there are heated massagers you can use at home, in the car, or even while traveling. 

For example, the  Synca - iPuffy Premium 3D Heated Lumbar Massager or  Synca - Corron Premium Heated Roll-Up Massager can be conveniently used while sitting on the couch reading or unwinding in bed.

Some massage tables and chairs also come with heat therapy, so you get the optimum relaxation you need in the comfort of your home.

Portable massage tables are easily set up and stored away, too, so you don't have to worry about taking up a lot of space.

Upgrade your shower

Make your home a heaven on earth by treating yourself to a  steam shower anytime. Steam showers are beneficial to your health. It can activate circulation, improve skin, reduce pain and stiffness, and remove stress. Upgrading your regular shower to a steam shower is a simple and fast way to create a health sanctuary at home.

Final Words

If you want to transform your lifestyle, start with simple changes in your home. Be intentional in your choices, from the food you eat to the items you use. A house that feels healthy and welcoming can positively impact your health, mood, and overall well-being. The key is creating an environment that promotes good habits.


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