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Saunas and Skin Health: A Deep Dive

Saunas and Skin Health: A Deep Dive

The secret to radiant skin is not just in fancy creams and pricey serums. It could be hiding in a humble steamy chamber. The Finns have been onto something for centuries with their saunas and skin health. But is there any actual science behind the hype? Let's explore the remarkable benefits of saunas for our skin and overall health in this deep dive.

The Science Behind Saunas and Skin Health

Beyond the beauty and wellness claims, is there any scientific evidence that saunas can improve skin health? How can its simple heat therapy enhance your complexion? 

A Gentle, Deep Clean

Think of your pores as a gateway. The sebum (your skin's natural oil) could clog them up sometimes. With their gentle heat, saunas help open up pores and coax that sebum loose, allowing trapped dirt and dead skin cells to exit. The result? A deeper, cleaner complexion that breathes easier, revealing its natural radiance. 

Better Circulation for Brighter Skin

Does a sauna make skin younger? Blood brings vital nutrients and oxygen to keep your skin plump and radiant. Sauna heat boosts the blood flow, so those nutrients and oxygen are delivered to your skin's surface promptly. This improved circulation produces a brighter, firmer complexion with a healthy, youthful glow.

A Potential Collagen Comeback

Collagen is the protein that keeps your skin elastic and bouncy. In a small study published in Yonsei Medical Journal, infrared saunas, with their deeper tissue penetration, increased collagen production. 

So, are saunas good for your skin? The short answer, with a sprinkle of caution, is a "yes." They offer a promising avenue for healthier skin, but remember to approach them with knowledge and self-care.

Pro Tip: Everyone's skin is unique. If yours leans towards the sensitive side, consulting your doctor before using a sauna is always wise. And for everyone, moderation is key. Too much sauna time can dehydrate your skin, so listen to your body and cool down properly after each session.

More Than Skin Deep: Other Sauna Health Benefits

While the glowing complexion promised by saunas is undoubtedly enticing, their benefits extend far beyond epidermal perfection. 

Stress Slayer

Saunas work like skilled masseuses for your mind and body. The warmth encourages the release of endorphins, your body's natural feel-good chemicals, melting away stress. This internal calm directly impacts your skin, reducing the inflammatory effects of stress hormones that often lead to acne breakouts or psoriasis

Pain Reliever

Saunas increase blood flow, reduce inflammation, and penetrate deep into muscles and joints. This can relieve people with arthritis, muscle tension, and chronic back pain. By easing pain and improving mobility, saunas can enhance your overall comfort and indirectly benefit your skin by reducing stress and improving sleep, contributing to a healthy glow.

Cardiovascular Champion

The increased heart rate and blood flow during a sauna session mimic the effects of moderate exercise, strengthening your heart and improving circulation. This translates to better athletic performance and enhanced delivery of nutrients and oxygen to your skin, keeping it healthy and radiant. 

Pro Tip: Like any wellness practice, saunas are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Always consult your doctor before starting any new routine, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions.

How to Incorporate Saunas into Your Skincare Routine

Got a skincare regime for younger-looking skin that you swear by? Make it better by incorporating sauna sessions into your routine. Here's your glowing guide for better skin health.

Find Your Rhythm

  • Frequency: Start slow, with one or two sessions per week. As your skin acclimatizes, you can gradually increase to three or four times. But remember, moderation is key – too much heat can leave your skin parched.
  • Duration: Keep it sweet and short! Aim for 10-15 minutes per session. Exceeding this can lead to dehydration and discomfort.

Pre-Sauna Prep

  • Hydrate. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your session.
  • Cleanse gently. Wash your face with a mild cleanser to remove makeup and impurities, allowing your pores to breathe and soak up the sauna's benefits.

Post-Sauna Glow

  • Cool down. Contrast therapy, which involves going from a sauna to a cold plunge or cold shower, can have positive effects on both physical and mental health. But if you're new to the sauna, consider cooling down gradually after your sauna session with a warm shower and a refreshing splash. Consult your doctor before trying contrast therapy.
  • Moisturize. Apply a hydrating moisturizer immediately after your session to replenish lost moisture and lock in that sauna-induced radiance. 

Safety First

  • Hydration Alert: Dehydration is the most common enemy, so listen to your body and be a dedicated hydration warrior. Consult your doctor beforehand if you have any pre-existing medical conditions, especially cardiovascular issues.
  • Heat Sensitivity: If you get dizzy or uncomfortable, step out immediately. Start with lower temperatures and gradually increase as you become a sauna sage. If you find tolerating the heat in a traditional sauna difficult, try the infrared sauna instead.

No Sauna? No Problem!

Even without a dedicated sauna chamber, you can still enjoy the heat therapy for your skin health at home:

  • Hot Shower: Crank the hot water for a mini-sauna experience while showering. Add some eucalyptus or rosemary essential oils for an extra invigorating boost.
  • Steamy Sanctuary: Take a hot bath infused with calming herbs like chamomile or lavender.

Pros and Cons of Using Sauna for Your Skin

Just like any skincare practice, saunas aren't a one-size-fits-all solution. There are benefits and downsides to using a sauna, and you should be aware of them before you invest in one.

Pros of Sauna

  • Hydration Hero (With Precautions): While saunas initially dehydrate the skin, they play a surprising role in enhancing hydration by promoting a unique mechanism within the body. As the body is exposed to the heat in a sauna, it responds by increasing sweat production. While sweating may seem counterintuitive to hydration, it increases the hydration and water-holding capacity of the stratum conium, stabilizing the epidermal barrier function.
  • Relieves Stress: Saunas are renowned for their stress-busting powers. Reducing stress can indirectly benefit your skin by lowering cortisol levels, which can contribute to breakouts and inflammation.
  • Anti-Aging: In some studies, sauna use has been linked to increased collagen production, a protein essential for youthful skin elasticity and firmness. While more research is ongoing, the potential for an anti-aging boost is promising.

Cons of Sauna

  • Dehydration: Overzealous sauna can dehydrate your skin, leaving it dry and irritated. Stay hydrated, avoid prolonged sessions, and moisturize after your session.
  • Heat Sensitivity: Some people, especially those with sensitive skin or pre-existing medical conditions, may experience redness, irritation, or dizziness in saunas. Consult your doctor before embarking on a sauna journey.
  • Pre-Existing Condition Cautions: Certain skin conditions like eczema or rosacea may be exacerbated by heat. Always consult your doctor if you have any concerns.
  • Investment and Access: Traditional saunas may be uncomfortable for heat-sensitive people. For this group, an infrared sauna may be a better choice. Home saunas also require ample space for installation.

Weighing the Odds

While saunas offer potential benefits for skin health, they shouldn't replace a consistent skincare routine and healthy lifestyle. Consider your skin type, health conditions, and access to sauna facilities. Consult your doctor if you have any concerns. If you're new to saunas, start slow and listen to your body.


1. How do you protect your skin in a sauna?

  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your sauna session to combat dehydration.
  • Gentle cleansing: Wash your face with a mild cleanser beforehand to remove makeup and impurities.
  • Avoid harsh products: Skip exfoliating or using aggressive skincare before or after saunas.

2. How long should you stay in the sauna for clear skin?

Start with 10-15 minutes per session and gradually increase if your skin adjusts well. Listen to your body and avoid exceeding 20 minutes.

3. Should you wash your face after a sauna?

It is advisable to wash your face after a sauna to remove any bacteria or sweat that may have accumulated on your skin. However, using a moisturizing soap and applying a moisturizer to your skin after washing it is essential. You should avoid soap after a sauna if your skin is dry and irritated. 

4. What not to do after a sauna?

  • Avoid alcohol or caffeinated drinks, as they can further dehydrate your skin.
  • Skip strenuous exercise immediately after your session. Allow your body to cool down gradually.
  • Don't shower with hot water, which can further dry your skin.


The appeal of glowing skin from saunas is undeniable. However, like any wellness practice, saunas come with considerations, including dehydration with overuse and sensitivity concerns. Remember, saunas are just one piece of the puzzle for healthy skin. Listen to your body. Consult your doctor and prioritize a holistic approach to maximize the benefits of saunas for skin health.


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